It wasn’t Purdy

Well, as often happens with me, I’ve upset some people. With That’s Not Chinese’s birthday just around the corner, we planned dinner and a concert with a small (12-15) group of friends. Prior to dinner, I met up with That’s Not Chinese and Tree at her house for a glass of wine.


“You look pretty,” I told her. “Right?” Tree responded. “She’s got her hair all puffed up for someone who looks like he doesn’t smell good.” That reference was about the musician, Joe Purdy. As we were discussing the evening plans and other adventures, That’s Not Chinese reminded Tree of something important, “I’m fun now – I’m taking two anti-depressants a day.” “Hmmm, well I’m fun too,” Tree said and added, “It’s just there are some days when all I want to do is lay in bed.” “Maybe you should take an anti-depressant,” she told him. “Maybe two,” I added.


And with that we were off. After a lovely dinner we walked over to the concert facility where That’s Not Chinese’s sister had saved an entire row for us. Being that it was a full house and we were rather late, there is no doubt that this activity – saved seats and walking in late – upset a few patrons. If it didn’t, I decided to help out a bit. The opening band was playing and Godfather was announcing a song that Cisco Kid was going to sing. The song was about a child he has not yet had. I was chatting with That’s Not Chinese while they were providing the introduction so Sleepless got my attention and informed me they were looking for a baby mama. With all of my birds having left the nest, I was ready. “I’m lactating,” I yelled out. Although they liked the comment and provided a response, there was one patron –  the one who appeared to have sat on the armrest (with it upright) instead of his chair – who was sitting directly in front of us and not pleased with the comment. A few minutes later, Godfather was promoting their shirts. “They’re even good for people who are lactating,” he told the audience. I, of course, replied, “If I buy it, it will be a wet t-shirt.” “There you go, a wet your own t-shirt contest,” Godfather replied.


Once they finished their set, the man in front of us slid off the armrest and attempted to find new seats. This was pleasing to me – not necessarily because I wanted him gone, but because we needed seats for D-Dog and Casera. I’ve been to several concerts at this venue and they always involved dancing and typical concert behavior. Not this one. Looks like the Cheese Tour took a detour and had dropped off the seniors for a concert. Nobody was dancing. Just sitting, doing nothing. A few head sways every now and again. This is not my kind of thing. If I am going to sit in the same seat for more than an hour, I better be in another state by the time the hour is up.


LaLa and I had been chatting off and on about various things when That’s Not Chinese informed us we were being loud. A few minutes later, LaLa shared some information with me, “I’m seeing two of Joe Purdy.” “That’s not good,” I replied and added, “Because there is only one of him.” We were again informed we were loud and people we’re getting pissed. It is amazing how one person can be so vast. Not one to be shushed, I hightailed it to the lobby. Casera and D-Dog soon joined me. “What’s up?” asked D-Dog. “I’m too frisky for acoustics,” I answered and added, “I pissed someone off and it wasn’t Purdy.”  Casera stated he was also too frisky for acoustics and then advised me he has a new job at a RV dealership which means we can go on RV trips on the weekends. “Suddenly, because of RVs, I’m over it,” I told him referring to the pissy patron.


After the concert we headed over to the brew pub for some food. “Who likes Marguerite pizza? I’m buying,” Casera excitedly announced. “Marguerite,” Sleepless giggled. With food in our bellies, we were like new – ready to take on anything. Then, I looked down at my wrist and it was as if the concert venue had picked out the stamp specifically for me. It read, in all caps, “BAD.” Yep, it wasn’t purdy.

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