5150, 50-50

S-Unit and I, though living in different states, have a special little routine each night or, if each night doesn’t work, whenever we choose.

As we are returning home from work or other activities, we call each other. We’ll chat about the day, fill each other in on all of the juicy details of our lives and then we ‘hang out’ together.

There have been many times when we have shared a lovely meal at the same time and, just recently, we washed our faces together. S-Unit washes her face every night, but I have just recently taken up this habit and, by recently, I mean tonight. We did this together by putting our phones on speaker mode and just scrubbing. “Can you hear my Clarisonic?” S-Unit asked me. “No. Can you hear me manually moving my Tweezerman facial brush?” I responded.

Once our faces were clean we began one of our very routine routines: commenting back and forth on facebook. As we were doing so she informed me I was 5150.  I’m not crazy, I know what ‘5150’ is, so I told her, “I always thought our relationship was more 50-50, but 5150 works.” “50-50, 5150, potato, potahto. I’m putting that on facebook. How do you spell potahto?” she replied.

As we were ending our evening for the third time (tonight was a special night, thus, involved several phone calls), S-Unit told me, “You know you are the only person I do this with.” “That sounds like a line. Do you say that to everyone?” I asked. “5150 chance,” she retorted.



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