Circus Practice

Karaoke was no joke-e last night. Area Man and I were pleased to be in the company of so many fine singers and, as always, we closed the place down.


Not wanting the night to end so soon, we made our way back to my place where we chatted with Oper about some of her recent physical activities. She was experiencing a bit of karaoke elbow (caused by actions similar to Guido’s fist pumpin’ at a house club) and her body was a bit achy from three hours of hula-hooping.


When I asked why she hula-hooped for so many hours she told me she was at circus practice. I was intrigued. Oper is going to be in the circus. She is casted as a space alien cowboy and is in charge of fire safety while her main man, Danger, performs his acts: fire breathing and fire dancing. Oper asked if I would like to go to circus practice with her next Saturday. Silly question…..I’m so excited!


Speaking of circus acts, Quagmire was telling me his little trick (jumping over the broomstick) has resulted in an awful lot of noise coming from his internal organs; something he cannot control or easily hide.


I suggested he move his mouth in rhythm with the “noise,” to throw people  off. “So I should make a farting sound with my mouth,” he asked. No, no. That would just be silly. I advised him to simply move his mouth, sans acutal verbal output, in concert with the sounds exiting his body. He replied, “That would make me a farting ventriloquist.” Well, we all have our lots in life.

3 thoughts on “Circus Practice”

  1. Why then you would have visual proof that he spouts nothing but shit! Brilliant move!

  2. ann nonomis took the words:

    a) out of my mouth
    b) for granted

    talking shit is the gift of those with gilded tongues.

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