‘Tis the Season

Today I got the privilege of having lunch, coffee & thrifting time with She’s a Hard One.

The Waffle Shop had the pleasure of wetting our pallets with waffles (shocker) and The Coffee Bean gave us the energy we needed to thrift.

Our first thrift stop: “Out of the Closet.” A lovely little secondhand shop with amazing treasures. They should, however, change their name to “Out of Our Minds” because some of their prices are crazy!

She’s a Hard One and I found two lovely one-piece jumpsuits made by the famous designer, Avon Fashions. The jumpsuits are best described as one-piece, MC Hammer Can’t Touch This, zip back, space for Depends, heaven on earth and room for girth.

I could not NOT buy both. As often happens, one of the jumpsuits (with the graphics of women, stretching, in leotards) did not have a price tag. I, of course, asked if Avon Fashions were two for one today. Cashier appeared flustered and did not find it funny. I told him they were probably the same price, $5.50, per the tag on the baby blue and white striped jumpsuit.

Cashier told me he could not just assume the price because they may be from different fashion seasons.

Good point, however, I’m pretty sure it has been decades since either of these beauties were part of a “season.” Luckily, Cashier saw a line forming and decided to give me one for half off. ‘Tis the season!

2 thoughts on “‘Tis the Season”

  1. you should have suggested that you’re an autumn. and since they both look good on you they’re

    a) always in season
    b) the same price, (because he’s the prick of the litter.)

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