Last night was c to the r to the a to the z to the y crazy! By the time we finished wiggin’ out and writing sick lyrics for our song/music video, we were so exhausted that we had to go to bed. Yes, that’s how we roll.  And rollin’ is something I’ll bring up again in a few sentences.

Instead of having breakfast at the B&B this morning, S-Unit, MC Static Cling and I went to The 101 Coffee Shop. Like many places in LA, there are autographed pics of “celebrities” hanging on the walls. While walking by a grouping of pictures, S-Unit was quick to point out, “I don’t even know her.” MC Static Cling and I had to look back to see the pic/celebrity: Audrey Marie Anderson. We don’t even know her either.

Being that we were in Gran Chorizo’s hood, we invited him to join us. As soon as Gran Chorizo arrived we gave each other a high five for Palm Sunday – didn’t want the day to passover without doing that.

A lot of interesting people frequent The 101 Coffee Shop. S-Unit was intrigued by the patrons, “I just love watching people watching.” Yes, she loves to watch people, who are people watching.

After breakfast we decided to see a movie at the Vistafari – best movie theater in LA! S-Unit and I decided against getting popcorn. Not because we just had breakfast – we just prefer to eat other people’s concessions. Thanks MC Static Cling.

Once we got home we started talking about the day and laughing about some of the shenanigans. We were all laughing out loud, loudly. None of us, sadly, laughed our asses off. I did, however, decide to try rolling on the couch laughing (aka, ROCL); the floor was too dirty.

MC Static Cling and I “Lougled” Audrey Marie Anderson after S-Unit went home. It appears she is the wife of a Unit member on “The Unit.” MC Static Cling was shocked,”You would think S-Unit would know something like that.” As S-Unit would and did say, “What the shut the front door!?!?”

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