
Spelling is so crucial. One or two wrong letters and you’ve got an entirely different situation. Same goes with comments. The Responsible One and I are in the process of collecting double entendres often used in the workplace. We’ve decided to do this because we find great pleasure in taking things in at least two different ways. Although we are aware of the fact that there is a rare variation of the double entendre, known as the triple entendre, neither of us are into three ways – as risqué as we may be, we are also very straightforward.

When The Responsible One first proposed this idea to me it took me a while to get back to her. “Sorry about the delayed response,” I told her. “I got waylaid by someone in the hall.” “No worries,” she responded, “I hope this won’t put you in a difficult position.” “No position is too difficult for me,” I replied. A little while later The Responsible One phoned to tell me about some rumors that had been spreading around the office like a STD. “You know what they say about loose lips,”she told me. “All too well,” I answered. “I just want you to know I’m not the only one who appreciates the fact that you are both open and flexible,” The Responsible One advised me.

I’ve no doubt our double entendre compilation will get off to a great start – hard not to being that The Responsible One is a cunning linguist.

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