More Write Than Wrong

It was just a year and several days ago, that I started writing my blog. Being a ‘virgin’, I eased into it, took my time. The first entry was short and, as time went on, the entries got longer. A lot like sex.

Looking back at some of my entries (also like sex), I discovered there is far more right than wrong with the past year (this time, not so much like sex). As a result, I decided to celebrate with all of those who have made it in my…….blog.

That’s Not Chinese hosted the party and it was “sponsored” (I’m using this word very loosely) by A Mano Pinot Grigio. Knowing there would be some imbibing, That’s Not Chinese and I decided to eat a little dinner beforehand. When I arrived at her house, I found her in a cream Chinese summer traditional light silk embroidered blouse, with a tank top underneath, black pants, and striped lounge socks. “Shirt, Chinese. Tank top and pants, not Chinese. Socks, Chinese. They love wearing funky socks,” she told me.

By the time we sat down to eat, OregganO had arrived, so she joined us. That’s Not Chinese handed us our plates and plastic ‘party’ forks. “Can we not have real utensils?” I asked. “Oh fine,” she said and handed us each a fork. Without a knife, I wasn’t sure how I was going to eat my pork, however, opted to ‘spear’ it. “Are you just going to eat your pork with a fork like this?” I asked OregganO. She nodded ‘yes’, while doing the same thing. That’s Not Chinese looked up, shook her head and laughed, all the while cutting her pork with a knife. After finishing her finely cut pork, she belched. “Very Chinese to belch after a meal. Or is it Japanese?” she asked – not wanting an answer – and added, “I was born in the year of the boar, I can have pig-like qualities.”

Shortly after dinner, Skiwi and Disco Dancing Dog Groomer (DDDG) made a grand entrance. Like That’s Not Chinese, they were in ‘character’. Skiwi was donning a ski cap, goggles and his bluetooth. Pretty sure the bluetooth is vintage. It looks like a reverse headgear. DDDG was donning a lovely sequined blouse, sexy fur coat, saucy headband in her hair, a pair of scissors and stuffed dog in her hands.

As others arrived with drinks, specifically beer, Skiwi would offer to put them in the fridge, saying, “I’m used to cold climates.” Although not everyone who has been featured in the blog was able to attend, we had good attendance. Sleepless, Dr. BJ, FatGirl, Passed The Sniff Test, Patty Melt, Le Chauffeur (the blog character formerly know as Bus Driver), Disdain, D-Dog, MiniMe, Drink Whisperer, The Responsible One, and some newbies, So Damn Good, The Waiter and Casera.

Several hours into the party we pulled out the karaoke machine and the tunes were flowing! “I haven’t done this since Japan,” said Skiwi, “and I was big in Japan.” OregganO and Sleepless were determined to hit the high score again. “We hold the record at 100,” said OregganO while strutting toward center stage (aka, That’s Not Chinese’s front room). “We don’t have to top ourselves, we’re going out on a high note.” She was right about the high note. According to That’s Not Chinese, she, like the rest of us – D-Dog excluded – had “no business doing karaoke.” At one point, while The Responsible One was singing ‘Blowing in the Wind,” she looked at me and said, “You’re singing off tune.” I took that as a cue to stop singing and start dancing like a white girl. This was pleasing to FatGirl.

About this time, Drink Whisperer had found Sleepless’ butternut squash casserole. “This is delicious. Reminds me of cereal. What cereal does this remind me of? Lucky Charms!” Then, in his standard drink enhanced whisper, he shouted across the room to Passed The Sniff Test, “Hey, have you tried Sleepless’ lucky charms? They’re magically delicious!” Passed The Sniff Test coyly smiled.

After filling his belly with magically delicious goodness, Drink Whisperer was ready to sing. Once he had the mic in hand, he unleashed his inner Metallica. While dancing around the room he started rubbing on one of his nipples, somehow thinking nobody would notice. “Oh yeah, we saw it,” The Responsible One and I said in unison. “You didn’t see it,” he tried to assure us. “Yes, yes we did.” “OK, you did, and it can’t be unseen, ha!”

As is often the case, Sleepless, OregganO and I were the last to leave. That’s Not Chinese was telling us she was tired and was seconds away from sleep when Still Loving You popped up on the karaoke/tv. “Scorpions!” shouted That’s Not Chinese as she jumped off the couch, grabbed the mic and started singing. “This is the best song ever!” She told us while playing a little air guitar and throwing down some flash kicking ass dance moves.

As the last words of the song played, “This can’t be the end. I’m still loving you. I’m still loving you, baby…” We said our goodbyes and made plans to get together again. We couldn’t let this be the end, instead, we made it a beginning of another year of writeous events!

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