
Anytime you can start the day with Tagalongs and Yogi tea, you know it is going to be a good day.

She’s a Hard One met up with Mini Sparkle Donut and I for “like crack.” Translation: Green tea latte from Starbucks. Mini Sparkle Donut is hooked.

She’s a Hard One told us when she woke up this morning her head was pounding harder than Guido’s fist pumpin’ at a house club. Caffeine should cure that.

We decided to go for a hike in Griffith Park, to The Giving Tree. After giving our heavies to the tree we did a triple tree twist and started making our way back to the car.

On the way, we saw some people embracing the trees. Interesting. Mini Sparkle Donut told me, “I’ve touched trees for energy and stuff but I’ve never hugged one. That’s taking it to another level. That would really change me. In fact, that would make me a treehugger.”

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