Party of one

Ah, Valentine’s Day. That time of year when so many people long to be in a relationship and so many others long to be single or, as one friend so eloquently put it, “a little less involved.”


S-Unit is someone who is not currently in a relationship and isn’t actually longing for one. She is still, however, planning on getting married on 11-11-11. Several days ago, she and I were talking about upcoming holidays. “When is Valentine’s Day?” asked S-Unit. “February 14, same as it is every year,” I answered. “No, I mean when is it? How many days away? I always break up with people a few days before holidays like Valentine’s Day and Christmas.”


A recent study indicates S-Unit is not the only person with this idea. According to David McCandless and Lee Byron, holiday break-ups are the norm. Stress and family seem to be common denominators when it comes to cause and December and March are the months with the highest number of break-ups. Apparently, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, and my favorite holiday, National Corndog Day, can really take a toll on a relationship.


Being a single female, I can understand the pressure one might feel when they’ve only got one PBR coozie and five boxes of corndogs. It really is impossible to share a coozie. And who wants to be judged by the size of their corndog collection?


I’m not one who minds being alone – on Valentine’s Day or any other day. Don’t get me wrong, I love the company of (most) others. I also love my company. As I’ve told one or two (or maybe more) people before, “I’m a good time.”


For example, the other night, after a full day with That’s Not Chinese, I returned home and, apparently, continued to let the good times roll. When I woke the next morning, I began to find miscellaneous ‘misplaced’ items in various areas of the house. It was when I found the satellite receiver remote control in the bag of Trader Joe’s World’s Puffiest Sour Cream and Onion Corn Puffs that I realized, as a party of one, I really am a good time.


In fact, if I were to give myself one of the infamous NECCO conversation hearts today, it would read, “Be Mine.” If I can’t have me, I don’t want nobody baby.

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