Mary Anne and Paranormal Activity

I’ve been getting a couple of babysitting gigs (saving up to buy a bike) lately and I always call upon MyFace and OregganO for assistance. Our primary patron is Q, although today Sleepless also took advantage of our adult version of The Baby-Sitter’s Club – Ann M. Martin would be very proud.

Little Sleep arrived before Baby Q and was touring the ‘clubhouse’ with MyFace. While doing so she informed MyFace that she has not slept well the past two nights due to paranormal activity. MyFace was very impressed with Little Sleep’s knowledge of  such activity and the proper words to describe it.  “Where are the noises coming from?” she asked. “I don’t know,” responded Little Sleep with a slight shoulder shrug and curious eye on the back room, “I guess the house.” Clearly, MyFace had more concerns about this than Little Sleep.

When MyFace finally got a chance to tell me about this exchange, she had forgotten Little Sleep’s verbiage choice. We did a little Nancy Droogling for ‘another word for paranormal’ and came up with nothing. I decided to go to the ultimate source for help, facebook. Incubus and Patrick Swayze were suggested. Sleepless might be glad she is sleepless.

Incubus is a male demon who lays on people while they’re sleeping and has sex with sleeping women – that would explain all of the condom wrappers I find each morning in my bedroom. And Patrick, well everybody knows about him and ghosts. What I don’t know is why my pottery wheel is missing. Could it be Agnes?

Later in the evening I spoke with Sleepless about Little Sleep, “She was electrocuted by paranormal activity and her door opened. Happens often. Just leave the kitchen light on and everything works out.” Just like The Baby-Sitter’s Club, the problem is resolved by the end of the series/blog and in no time at all. Not surprisingly, however, Incubus is kinky and likes the light on – he is a hard ghost to bust, literally.

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