Down like that

It’s been a couple of days since my last entry. “That’s what he said,” is what S-Unit is probably thinking right now. I’d like to thank everyone who asked about the status of the blog, and by ‘everyone,’ I mean Sleepless. In answer to her question, no, this is not Prince Charming or recession related.  MC Static Cling and I have been working on some back-end issues. Yes, S-Unit, that is what he said.

While down, I learned a lot of interesting facts. Mostly, about angry clowns. I was on a date, talking about my beach cruiser and how I’ve tricked it out with some classic and classy accessories – bell, horn, drink holder. OregganO and I are regular riders, and by ‘regular’ I mean we ride our bikes once a month or so when it is warm outside.

On one fine summer evening we had visitation with a tandem from a previous relationship, so, in Kanye West fashion, we grabbed our shutter shades and our coffee cups and started cruisin’ around town – because we’re down like that.  If you have ever ridden a tandem, you know it requires coordination and, if you’ve ever met me, you know I have none. Thus, I would shout out instructions to OregganO, “Turn, pedal, drink,” in an attempt to ensure a safe and tasty ride.

As I was sharing these details with my date, he found great interest in the bicycle horn. “I’ve got to get a bicycle horn.” He is a musician, so I thought he might want to add it to his other cool bits of equipment, specifically, the cow bell – I was wrong. “No, I need it as part of my tool kit, per say. Have you ever heard of the ‘Angry Clown?'” I hadn’t heard of the Angry Clown and I could tell by the look on his face this was something I would have to Nancy Drewgle later.

Work is probably not the best place to Nancy Drewgle ‘Angry Clown.’ Unless, like me, your goal each day is to see how many times you receive the ‘restricted website access’ message. Not one to give up easily, I Nancy Drewgle’d at OregganO’s house. Looks like the bicycle horn is just one of many accessories needed to do the Angry Clown. Seltzer water, talcum powder and creme pies are also staple to this trick. OregganO and I were dumbfounded by this discovery. How had we not heard of this before and who does something like this? “One,” OregganO commented, “it’s weird. Two, that’s a lot to remember – far too many steps to take.” Even in big ol’ clown shoes, the Angry Clown has way too many steps and it’s a little creepy.  “Well,” I told her, “I’m not doing it. I’m into messin’ around, not clownin’ around.”

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