Caulk Asian

Q and her man have always been there for me. A few years ago I purchased a home that was in need of a few renovations and I enlisted the Q-Team for their help. They were always ready and able, even after Q got electrocuted. On one occasion, Q commented to me about my work, “Wow! I have never seen anyone use so much caulk.” I, of course, replied, “I’ve never heard someone use such language in my house.”

The other day, as I was showering, I was checking out our renovations. As soon as I got out of the shower I sent Q a text message, “Today, in the shower, I was looking at my caulk and thinking of you. Are we still on for lunch?”

After lunch, Q and I went shopping. For one simple reason – the shape of her eyes – a lot of people think Q is Asian. If it weren’t for her other very obvious traits – platinum blond hair, tall, very fair, very white skin – I would understand this misconception.

Q is baffled by the misconception. Being the practical one in the group, I advised her she is, in actuality, half Asian. One half Cauc + one half Asian = CaucAsian. Turns out, not surprisingly, Baby Q is also CaucAsian.

While Q was purchasing some items at the mall, I was tending to Baby Q. A sales associate, who happened to be Asian, approached me. “She is so cute,” she said while admiring Baby Q. “And, she has eyes like me.” “Yes,” I responded, “Her mom is half Asian.”

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