GreenGo Girl

While in Vegas, one of my friends was asking about my blog, specifically the URL. GrigioGirl would seem easy enough to remember, but he kept thinking it was GringoGirl. I prefer GreenGo Girl.

Going green is just good practice. I tried to find a nice quote about recycling, but everything I read sounded like something I had heard a million times before – reused and meaning reduced.

Most everyone knows what can and should be recycled: paper, plastic, glass, cans, steel, metal. Recycling paper instead of making it from new material uses 50% less water. Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum from raw materials. Mini Sparkle Donut liked that statistic, “It’s a good thing we have so many bums around here (Hollywood) to go through the garbage and take those out.”

Speaking of bums, there are some things that cannot or should not be recycled: nappies, styrofoam, anything w/food remnants, bath water, syringes, sex toys and exes. 60% of remarriages fail. And reused nappies, really? Sex toys, well, I’ll save those comments for another entry (no pun intended).

One thought on “GreenGo Girl”

  1. to quote a bible, thank the lord you’re not a bum. you could very easily become a bum. you could

    a) lose all of your money
    b) lose part of your brain

    and you’re a bum. -b. neely

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