Dear Karma

Recently I became aware of a situation which reminded me there may be some truth to the karma theory.

My friends and I used to joke that we have dated Karman, thus, should have a major credit balance in that department. Most of the people I chat with about karma tell me we don’t always get to see it come around.

When we do actually get to see what appears to be karma come around, I think it would be nice if we could send a simple thank you. Technically, or spiritually, one should just be able to send thanks out to “the universe.”

I decided to check with some of my friends for a mailing address for karma and Handsome Holdaway was first to respond: 1137 Don’t Be An Ass Road, Payback’s a Bitch, Nevada 55555. Sounds about right. Arcade followed up quickly, advising me to be sure to include sufficient postage or everything will come back to me.

Ah, karma……thanks.

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