Tree. V. Daily.

What a day! Alice and I started it off right with a corndog (me, not her), tots, baby cones and apple juice at the AC. Took forever to get anywhere today. Damn National Corndog Day traffic was definitely slowing things down.


Finished the day with That’s Not Chinese and Tree. We decided to grace a tapas bar with our presence and, while selecting menu items, we were reminded That’s Not Chinese is not very Greek. She doesn’t like olives, cucumbers, goat cheese, Metaxa, or Ouzo. Tree and I, on the other hand, quite enjoy these things.


Tree decided to have an Area B51 FLAMING cocktail for dessert. The waiter brought the flaming drink to him and asked if he knew from where to drink. “The rim?” Wrong answer. Right answer: straw; however, it is recommended that you blow out the flame first. If you don’t, you’re drinking from the rim because your straw is melted.


We went back to That’s Not Chinese’s house and she decided to try on Tree’s hat and take pictures. Tree advised her, “We’re gonna take a couple of pictures, ’cause I like photo shoots. Normally, I’m the model. I just love flash photography.”


As we continued chatting, Tree informed us he had purchased Psychopathology Today Third Edition at a yard sale for $1. He stated he had been self-medicating for years, so he decided it made sense to self-diagnose. If you do the math, $1 is a lot less than a copay and is a good deal for a diagnosis.  Tree determined his top three personality disorders to be 1) sociopath, 2) borderline and 3) narcissistic.


That’s Not Chinese was not happy with his choices and as she was discussing them with him, ruling them out actually, Tree informed her he was “bi-polar bear.” That was a diagnosis That’s Not Chinese was willing to accept.


I was taking notes about this exchange and That’s Not Chinese advised Tree he would be in my blog. Tree replied, “It’s OK, as long as I’m being talked about.” He went on to say he once inherited a DSM-V (“V,” not “five”). That’s Not Chinese was quick to inform him there is no such thing as DSM-V, just DSM-IV (four). Tree, in his infinite wisdom, replied, “Hey, whatever, I’ve got problems, I’m just trying to figure it out.”


As we were leaving, Tree was discussing signs and horoscopes. He stated he gets daily answers from the universe and by “daily,” he means Monday thru Friday. He gets an email daily (Monday – Friday) and it starts with, “You know, Tree…..” The reason Tree is so smitten by these messages?  “It (email) says my name, that’s why I like it.” Ah, the simplicity.  Thanks Tree!

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