So last year

Every now and again, I exercise. As I have told many people, many times, last year my New Year’s resolution was to go to the gym, and this year it is to actually go in or maybe just get out of the car – baby steps as opposed to stair steppers and elliptical machines.

So, when Sleepless invited me to join her for a Zumba class, I agreed. Then I started thinking. I wasn’t really in the mood to fight for Zumba space with all of the people in the first and last week of their New Year’s resolution and quickly changed my mind. “We could just stay here, be warm and drink wine,” I suggested. Luckily, Sleepless agreed.

As we were drinking our wine – mine from a bottle, hers from a box, both in glasses – we were recapping some of the events of 2o1o and years prior. I, of course, had one less year to think about, thanks to my baby book. There were a lot of things that we decided were so last year and the year before that and the year before that and so on. So, like so many others, we decided it might be a good idea to only bring with us into 2011 those things that serve us best, such as waiters and bartenders.

We noticed the need for ‘help’ when we found we were continually having to get up to refill our wine glasses and cheese balls bowl. Serving oneself is so last year.  Sleepless had gotten up one last time to refresh her glass with the boxed wine from , well, last year, and shouted to me from the kitchen, “My box is empty.” We both giggled and agreed, empty boxes are so last year.

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