
Wanting to be the perfect host in 2011, I decided to hold the first brunch of the New Year. Unfortunately, I failed to provide a date, just a time. Although I had chatted about brunch details, i.e,. the time and the fact that I needed my guests to bring all of the champagne, one very important detail had not been shared with everyone.

So, as CounterCat and I were sleeping in for the New Year, Skiwi, DDDG and Alice were getting all dolled up for the first brunch of the year. Just after ten AM, I heard what sounded like a knock-knock-knockin’ at the door. Not sure that I was really hearing this, I continued to lay in bed, until the doorbell rang. Although Alice, Skiwi and DDDG did RSVP, I did not share specific brunch details with them, so they assumed, and rightly so, that brunch was the first day of the New Year. 

Apparently,like Alice, Skiwi and DDDG had also stopped by. It was about 16 degrees outside and they had opted to walk with a backpack full of hashbrowns and champagne.  When I didn’t answer the door or my phone, they continued walking until they arrived at the local coffee shop.  It wasn’t until they had spoken with OregganO, and she sent me a text telling me about this missed opportunity, that I realized I never included the date on the invitation. I immediately phoned Skiwi, and he and DDDG were back at my house within minutes – champagne, hasbrowns and blueberry pancake mix (a new addition) in tow.

Sadly, Alice couldn’t stay, but OregganO was able to join us in the dress rehearsal brunch. Skiwi planned to cook the breakfast for us and, to be safe and fire ready, wore his volunteer Christ Church Fire Department t-shirt. With our flutes full of mimosa goodness, we were all watching Skiwi cook when all of a sudden DDDG screamed a wee bit, “Oh my….not sure what happened here.” We all looked her way to find her mimosa all over the right side of her shirt. Within a nanosecond (or less), Skiwi had a towel and was wiping her off. OregganO, CounterCat and I all told Skiwi that we were going to spill on our shirts too – just for the clean up. Skiwi giggled, tried to hide his face a bit and said, “Now I’m getting blushy.” Looks like he might need someone to put his fire out.

With breakfast on the table, we started talking about each of our New Year’s eve festivities. “I think I did very well,” Skiwi informed us, “I decided I would only have one drink an hour, starting at eight……..AM.” He’s crazy and, at the same time, brilliant.

The dress rehearsal went well – giving me hope for the next day’s activities. CounterCat and I opted to spend the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing, other than watching documentaries. “It’s hard to believe all of this crazability,” I told her. “Oh, and, by the way, I just made that word up.” CounterCat was pleased with my creativity.  Several informational hours later we decided to go to the store, stop at OregganO’s and visit Dr. BJ.  As we were walking out the door, I gave her the rundown of the plan, “We’ll go to OregganO’s, the store and then Dr. BJ’s.” She appeared to be processing this information and then said, “Should we stop at Dr. BJ’s?” “Brilliant idea,” I told her, “like Braille.”

At Dr. BJ’s, we started watching one of his favorite cable channels, the Oprah Winfrey Network. After a few moments of watching, he began flipping channels. “Oh, yeah! An I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant marathon,” Dr. BJ exclaimed. ” I love this show!” “Really? They have a show called I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant?” I asked, “Wow, I had no idea. About the show, not my pregnancy.” CounterCat piped in, “I totally know someone who didn’t know she was pregnant. No lie – it was crazy. In fact, there is a show about those kinds of things called I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant. Have you guys heard of it?” She could tell by the look on my face, OregganO nearly spitting out her wine, and the fact that Dr. BJ had dropped to the floor with laughter, that something was funny. “What?” she asked and then answered her own question. “Did I do it again? I did, didn’t I? Seriously, I’ve never done anything like this until this trip.” Ah, such crazability!

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