Better watch out

Feeling pretty cocky right now for a couple of reasons. 1) Dirk is repaired, free of charge – the Fit is the shit. 2) I’ve converted one more person to the library. It’s official, Dr. BJ is a card carrying member.

As with many converts, I had to have some pre-conversion conversations with him about the benefits of joining and how his life will be changed, forever more, by doing so. I even provided testimonials and pictures of other card carrying members whose happiness can only be a direct result of belonging to one of the most elite public groups around. The library better watch out – based on the current number of ‘converts’ and state law, we are considered a ‘gang’ – PLG, check it out! Let me break that down for you, Pulic Library Gang, we check stuff out.

After the conversion, we went shopping. While tooling around the shopping center, a man in a BMW decided to cut us off. “Better watch out!” Dr. BJ said to him, but really just said it to me while gesturing ahead. “Yes, he best,” I added. “He has no idea how tough us card carrying members can be. PLG is coming to town.” “Better watch out, better not pout, better not cry,” said Dr. BJ, “That’s my Christmas message to him.” If this is his message, Christmas time or otherwise, I have a feeling he may need to put his new card to use checking out books that detail phrases for putting someone in check.

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