Hey ho, ho, ho!

Several weeks ago I received a request from Lower Case ‘L’ – she wanted to get together for holiday karaoke. When I thought about how long it had been since the last time we karaoked I was a bit disappointed in myself. That said, I wasted no time putting together a list of my favorite karaoke partners and we got together for one more memorable evening.

Lower Case ‘L’ was so excited to sing holiday songs and we were all sure our karaoke bar would have a grand selection. Our confidence began to wain when we arrived at the bar and found two things: no Karaoke Master and the worst and shortest selection of Christmas songs.

Like Mary and Joseph looking for an inn, we were hopeful, and continued to peruse the song selection book while waiting for Karaoke Master to arrive. After personally asking Social Mores, several times, about Karaoke Master’s status, Sleepless decided to try phoning him to see if she got a different response. No such luck. When we tried this trick a second time we quickly learned that Social Mores wasn’t as gnieve as we thought – the gig was up, no more prank calls.

We weren’t sure what to do now, because the prank calls (and the beverages) had been occupying our time while we waited for Karaoke Master. Thankfully, like the Three Wise Men, he finally arrived. Unlike the Three Wise Men, he came from the West, wasn’t bearing gifts and was alone.

Karaoke Master confirmed that his Christmas selection was limited, so we opted to find songs that might have a hint of holiday to them. Anything with a ‘ho’ in it was a sure bet, like Hey Hoby Ludacris. I thought something by Supertramp (everyone knows Mary wasn’t a virgin), maybe Goodbye Stranger, would be appropriate. Sadly, neither of those songs were among the selections. LeftEared suggested Sweet Child of Mine by GNR because it was the closest thing we could find to Away in a Manger. Based on the song selection, it appeared we may only be singing song’s from The Immaculate Collection, which makes sense because Like a Virgin, Lucky Star, Papa Don’t Preach, and Like a Prayer all have Christmas connotations (as does Madonna for that matter).

We did as we always do and sang like rock stars. Before everyone left for the night (for the record, OregganO and I were the last to leave, accompanied by LeftEared, of course), we decided to make like Jesus and resurrect this night in January.

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