
I’ve known Skiwi for some time. He moved near my hood several years ago and we hang out pretty regularly.  When we can’t hang out in person, we’ll often chat on the phone, facebook or skype.

I can’t recall a time when Lindsay wasn’t around for all of this. In fact, if it wasn’t for Lindsay, Skiwi definitely wouldn’t be online — she has been innovative for him!

There were, sadly, a few times when Lindsay skipped out, so Skiwi and I wouldn’t connect, but most of the time she was there for him, us, really.

Until the other day. Skiwi came home, completed a few routine tasks, went to hop online, and realized Lindsay was gone. He looked everywhere for her: the bedroom, the basement, the bistro, outside. Nothing. Gone.

Skiwi immediately phoned me (luckily she couldn’t take that away), to tell me of her disappearance and he was clearly devastated. Lindsay must have moved (a little notice would have been nice). Or, changed her wireless network name and added a password. One thing was clear, Skiwi would have to pay for his internet service now.

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