Are you thinking what I’m thinking?, by the waying, and by the bying are great prefaces. I especially like it when they are used together, like this, “Oh, so, P.S. and by the way….” Love it, provides great emphasis. Which is why I was so drawn to OregganO’s comments the other day, “P.S. It’s not really loan fraud if….” Cream of Tartar interrupted, “Anytime you start a sentence with that, you know it’s not good.” I thought it was great.

What I also think is great is the story MissInformation shared with me. She and her boyfriend were in Amarillo and looking for something to do. Her boyfriend asked, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” MissInformation thought to herself, ‘How does he know I’m thinking about tagging up cars at Cadillac Ranch?’ He actually wanted to go ring shopping. “It knew it was too good to be true,” MissInformation told me, “I really had my heart set on tagging – it’s legal there, you know.”

Without much thinking, Rusty Rogue Rafael decided it might be a good idea to confess his love to a long-time friend. He had discussed this with me and I expressed some concerns about doing so. Nonetheless, he went ahead and told her, and then called me to tell me about it. “How did you do it?” I asked. “In a normal drunken fucked up way,” he replied. “How else am I supposed to do it?” “Probably not drunk,” I said and asked, “What did she say?” “She said, ‘Never say never, but it’s never going to happen.’ I asked her if it was because she didn’t find me attractive and she said ‘yes.’ She wasn’t joking either. I mean, I know I’m no cup of tea, but don’t you think that’s pretty harsh? How could I have been so wrong?” “It is a little harsh,” I said, “And I’m really sorry, but sometimes  people are not always thinking what we’re thinking.”

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