Oh boy!

Met up with Sleepless, Scot-tea and Venn at one of our favorite restaurbars, owned by the one and only, Frozen Soup.


The music playing in the background reminded me of Blizzard Man – an Andy Samberg character on Saturday Night Live (SNL). “Do you guys ever watch SNL?” I asked. “Oh, yeah, Will Ferrell,” Venn proudly responded. “Will Ferrell hasn’t been on for years,” Scot-tea laughed. “But you can buy the DVDs….” Venn replied, somewhat defeated.


It quickly became clear to me that they had been there for some time before I arrived and appeared to have taken advantage of the ‘well’ specials. Being good eaters, Sleepless and I paired our well drinks with crab cakes, custom pears with bleu cheese, and were now ready to enjoy our traditional dessert: chocolate beet cake (which we learned IS made with puréed beets – woot! vegetable cake, yummy!). Frozen Soup suggested we compliment the cake with the pistachio gelato. We did, Scot-tea loved it and, with each bite, exclaimed with great excitement, “This is the best sipachio gelato ever!” As we finished off the desserts, Sleepless sat quietly in the corner, looking very content. “I needed that,” she smiled and continued, “It was like a colonic cleansing.”


Realizing he had reached his limit, Scot-tea decided to start drinking his signature closeout drink, tea. As he was sipping his tea I told him about the concept of loose tea leaves in a small french press. “I don’t know about that,” he said, “loose leaves sink ships.” Venn called the server over to order another drink when Scot-tea expressed some concern, “Oh boy, maybe you just want tea.” The server was too quick and Venn’s next drink was on the table. “No, no, no. You don’t drink that!” Scot-tea instructed Venn. “I ordered you tea. Well, I didn’t, but I suggested it. Oh boy.”


Venn had been loudly telling me ‘secrets’ throughout the evening, in Drink Whisperer fashion, and had moved in close to tell me another one, “You don’t have to move close to whisper, ” I informed him. ” I can hear you when you whisper from your chair.” He was at that place one gets when the need for affection is exaggerated by the alcohol consumption and he beckoned for me to sit closer to him (there were several chairs between us). I respectfully declined.  Determined, he continued to pursue.


Scot-tea was sipping his tea and shaking his head. “She likes it,” Venn told him. “No, she doesn’t,” Scot-tea assured him. “Yes, she does,” Venn contested. “Well,” Scot-tea said, took a sip of tea and continued, “maybe the rest of us don’t like watching it. I knew you should have ordered tea.”


A little while later, Venn again ‘reached out’ to me for affection. “Get a room,” a patron at the bar shouted. “Oh boy,” Scot-tea commented. “I’m glad I’m the only one not having fun. I just don’t like to see date rapes. I’m weird like that. Check, please.”


Within minutes, Scot-tea finished his tea and was out the door. Four or five cups of coffee later, Venn was on his way home and Sleepless and I were on our way to karaoke, oh boy!

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