I won’t roll on you

Met up with Alice and 25% for a book signing and reading with David Sedaris. Prior to heading to the bookstore, we shared some wine and Alice read to us from the book, Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk, which she had checked out from the library. Once we got to the bookstore we found some very decent seats right next to the podium. Unfortunately, David and his publicists had requested there be no photography, so I decided to use this opportunity to practice (aka, start) my drawing skills.

After he read, we waited, ever so patiently – really, we had wine waiting at home – for him to sign our books. Alice mentioned she could now return the copy of  his book to the library. I was bummed she didn’t bring it. I thought it might be nice to have him sign a library book – may help reduce any fines she currently owes. In fact, in the future I plan to only bring library books to signings.

While waiting in line we were discussing different tricks we could do. Both Alice and 25% can roll their tongues, I cannot. “I bet you can,” Alice said, “just try it.” I tried and while I was trying she said, “You’re not even trying.” “I am trying, I really am. I just can’t do it,” I said in defense of my lack of tongue curling skills. “Remember, there are a few tricks I can’t do, like rolling my tongue or winking.”  “You can wink,” she assured me while making a face I often make, “you do it all of the time in pictures.” “That’s not winking, that is just my drunk pose.”

Once we made it to the signing table we had a lovely little chat with David. 25% shared a funny pirates and nuts joke with him, which I’m sure he will share at his next reading and, before departing, I gave him my drawing, fine depiction of him, which I’m sure he will use on the back flap of his next book’s dust jacket – either that or it will soon be on display in the Louvre.

We returned to Alice’s house to finish off the wine and marinate in the memories of the reading. Hot Mustard joined in our discussions and 25% posed a very important question to him, “Can you roll your tongue?” He can and he did. “Don’t feel bad,” 25% comforted me, “Only about 25% of people can’t do it and there are four of us in the room, so, that makes us (gesturing to Hot Mustard, Alice and herself) the 75%, or three out of four, who can.” I, of course, didn’t feel bad, but decided to do some research. PBS confirmed two things for me: 1) the tongue rolling data cited by 25% is accurate, and 2) I am ‘the kid doing my own thing’.

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