Sans ‘s’, add a little, D, N, A, B & E

I was chatting with OregganO the other night when she asked me about Carl. I told her it looked like he may not be home for the holidays and went on to tell her FatGirl had told me that Carl has a cousin and his name is Carlos. Yes, FatGirl also has a herpe on his luscious lip. For the record, we are fully aware that there is a ‘s’ at the end of herpe, but we feel it sounds more humane sans ‘s’.

Turns out, MiniMe had also decided to go home for the holidays and had joined Dr. BJ and I for dinner and dessert. Dessert was a plate of cookies in the center of the table. I was reading about gift ideas and hadn’t noticed we were down to the last cookie. “The last cookie is for you,” Dr. BJ said to me with a smile. Having been in a situation like this before, I looked at Dr. BJ, Mini Me and then the cookie. With their eyes locked on me, I reached for the cookie, stated, “Thanks, but I don’t really want to eat it right now.” Brought the cookie to my lips, licked it, put it back on the plate and said, “I’ll eat that later.” Take that Last Piece Police! With or without Carl, nobody wants to eat a cookie topped with fresh DNA.

A few hours later, and all sugared up, Dr. BJ and I decided to checkout a house for sale several blocks away. It was after 10 PM and a ‘blizzard’, combined with freezing temperatures, had most people hold up in their homes. Most, excluding us. Upon arriving at the house, we did a quick parameter check then Dr. BJ said, “Do as you always do.” “What?” I asked. “Check the door, see if it’s locked.” I did, and it wasn’t. We were able to access the basement, but the main door to the house was locked and the light for the basement was just inside the main door. Luckily, Dr. BJ had a flashlight in his car. Within seconds, we were scouting out the mud room and basement. Dr. BJ had his hand on the flashlight and I had my hands in my zebra print gloves – I’ve seen a thing or two about fingerprints on those crime shows. No way I was leaving my DNA.

After our brief B & E (for those of you not in the field or who don’t watch Reno 911!, that stands for breaking and entering), we did as every good B & E’r does – went home, had some hot Tang and reminisced about our risk taking adventure. Adventure, like Carl, sans ‘s’.

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