Board. Badge. Tuna. School.

Had a board (game) meeting at work today. Mid-meeting, one of the board members announced, “The last two times I lost at Boggle, I ended up pregnant.” The competitor in me kicked in and I said, “I sure hope I win today.” “I kid you not,” she continued, “I was playing one night, lost, and thought to myself, ‘what is going on?’ The next morning I went straight to my doctor’s office and, sure enough, pregnant.” The other board member was struggling with the game/meeting and the fact that she had the hiccups. “I haven’t had hiccups like this since before the recession – no lie, budget cuts and hiccups are most commonly consecutive.” So many interesting corelations. All in all, the meeting ended well and no one got pregnant.

After a long day of board meetings, missed pregnancies and hiccups, I headed home. I was driving my usual route, which includes a library stop (“Where the Red Fern Grows” would soon be in my hands – woot!), when I noticed I still had my work badge/lanyard around my neck. As I pulled it off/over my head, the cowl neck of my dress lifted up with it – completely covering my face and blocking my view. I squeeled like FatGirl did when the bee flew near him, and then quickly resolved the situation. I did not want to end up like Old Dan and Little Ann.

After this near death experience, I met up with OregganO and Dr. BJ for more house hunting. We only had a few houses to hunt, which was good because we were all very hungry. As we discussed dining options, Dr. BJ stated, “Even though it’s a school night, I’m game for going out for a bit.” Always good to have a responsible one in the mix – I can guarantee OregganO and I would not and have not let school get in the way of our outings.

We opted for sushi and, once we started ordering, Dr. BJ had a question for the waitress, “What is in the sweet potato roll?” She replied, “Sweet potato.” I encouraged him to then ask what was in the tuna and cucumber roll, the avocado roll, and so on. The waitress walked away and Dr. BJ pondered, out loud, about another one of the rolls, “I wonder what is in the Alaska roll.” “Maybe Sarah Palin,” I replied. “Ew! I don’t want her tuna!” he exclaimed.

We were seated at the bar and there were several sushi boats on the counter in front of us. OregganO quickly became very fond of the sushi boats. “I really want one of these boats. How big is your purse?” Like clockwork, we both started looking around the restaurant for cameras. “Oh my god!” Dr. BJ shouted, “Are you guys casing the joint?” OregganO replied, “Strange. No one has ever asked me that.” “Me neither,” I added, “especially on a school night.”

Fast forward to the next morning and Dr. BJ is providing me my morning greeting – only one thing could make this better: Drake bringing my tray and Mrs. Pugh taking it away. “So,” Dr. BJ asks me while I am still tucked deep in the bowels of my bed, “what time did you and OregganO finally call it a night?” “2:15,” I mumble. “2:15?!?!?” Dr. BJ says while dressed like or as he put it ‘channeling Mr. Schue(ster) from Glee’, “On a school night, oh my!”

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