Honk and wave

I had every intention to sleep in this morning, take my daily dose of ‘taking my time’ to get going, when I remembered I actually had appointments and meetings that could not be handled bedside. So, I got up, and went to work.

My first appointment arrived just shortly after I did and I thought it would be nice to offer him a cup of coffee, truth be told, I really wanted a cup. We went to the breakroom to find the coffee pot was empty. This is not typical in my office. The pot brewed at 8 is still full (at least partially) at 2. But then, I’m usually able to actually get in my office once I make it through the security clearances. Today, however, in addition to arriving to find no coffee, I found my office door was locked – which presented a problem, because I don’t have a key. I may have been better off staying in bed or just driving by the office and honking and waving.

Fru Fru Pants picked me up for my next appointment and as we were driving there we got stuck in a construction zone. She reminded me of two other occasions when construction interfered with our route. On one occasion, we had bikes in the back of her truck so we opted to ditch the truck and ride the bikes. The other time she was in a hurry to get to our meeting and blew by an uncovered manhole (not what you’re thinking my gays). As she did so a construction worker popped his head out of the manhole and yelled, “Slow down lady!” She honked and waved. He flipped her off.

At the end of the day I was assisting with the election when one of the volunteers returned from off-site efforts. “I’m exhausted,” he said, “I’ve been doing the honk and wave all day.” Another volunteer responded, “The honk and wave is essential to the process.” Another volunteer piped in, “The success of a campaign is often attributed to the honk and wave.”

Until today, I didn’t realize the true power of the honk and wave. I’ve got the honk down, but I’m going to work on my wave – make it special. Maybe OregganO and I can feature this on our televised special. I’m hoping to make it my ‘thing’, my big talent. Beep, beep, elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist…….

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