
Like many other mornings, I had the pleasure of having Dr. BJ peek his head in my room today and wish me a ‘good mornin’!’ By the time he did so, my alarm clock had been snoozed several times and I was as comfy as I could be in my bed, spoonin’ with my Euro pillows.

I decided to get out of bed and do some domesticatin’. I started by changing light bulbs and finished by makin’ freezer jam. Dr. BJ came into the kitchen to find me in my pajamas and corkscrew apron. “Oh my God,” he exclaimed. “Look at you. Light bulbin’, jammin’, apronin’ – and it’s not even 8 AM yet. I love it! You can never leave the house!” I told him I was soon to be takin’ garbarge to the trash and would be sure to be wavin’ to him curbside in full domestic goddess attire: wife beater, pajama bottoms, frye boots and an apron. I did so, and he loved it.

Later that day I met MyFace and Q for lunch. MyFace appears to have lost a lot of weight and mentioned, in fact, she has. We asked how she did it and she responded, “I stopped eatin’.” Well, that is definitely one way to do it. Q and I ordered an appetizer and then shared our lasted changes in weight. Q just had a baby, so she “just bought a larger jean size.” I just traveled out of state, so I’ve got France in my pants and I’m wearin’ the hell out of them! “This shits tighter than dick’s hatband.” I told them, “In fact, I’d go sor far as to say I’m spoonin’ with my pants, daily.”

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