I got bumped in Boston

Rain has been an integral part of this trip – it delayed our flight into and out of JFK. The flight from JFK to Boston is typically short, but the rain caused a wait on the tarmac that exceeded our actual flight time.

Most people would be upset by this – we decided to embrace it. The captain decided to provide an update, “We’ve got about 14 planes in front of us with a departure time of about 3 minutes in between. Someone please do the math.” Sleepless didn’t miss that subtlety, “I think he can’t do the math.” I pulled out my trusty notepad and quickly did the math. When the flight attendant walked by I advised her I had the answer for the captain. “Did he mention there are different runways?” she asked. I replied, “Oh great, now its a story problem.”

A few minutes later the flight attendant returned, “Where is your homework?” I handed her my notepad and she pulled out a pink pen and wrote, ‘A+’. We asked what might happen if we missed our flight to Paris, “You’ll get a bag with a toothbrush and other items. You should ask for an old bag, they have a t-shirt in them.” “A t-shirt? Really?” I excitedly responded, “What does it read? ‘I got bumped in Boston’?” She giggled and replied, “I wish, I love that. We’ll be sure to announce to other passengers that you have a tight connection and they need to stay put so you can get off.” Then we all giggled.

A few minutes later the other flight attendant stopped by our row, “I know you girls don’t need any sugar, but here is a treat (peanuts and Biscoff cookies) for you for being so good – you have to hide them, none of the other coach passengers get them.” She glanced around the plane quickly and then said, “I’m gonna get you guys arrested so you can stay on the next flight. You’re so much fun I’m gonna pull out the handcuffs.”

We decided to write them a letter, fold it into a paper airplane, and send it flying their way (we couldn’t walk it to them because the seatbelt light was on and the captain had advised them it was a ‘sterile cockpit’). They were very appreciative of the letter and stopped by quickly to let us know, “That was really great origami – never seen anything quite like it. And, yes, the cockpit is still sterile.”

Once we finally got to Boston and we were deplaning, we were fully prepared with a response to the standard, “Bye, bye.” Our response was going to be, “Thank you for getting us off so quickly”, but she threw us a curve ball with, “You girls are so funny and, by the way, I do have a handcuff key.” Looks like they did actually read the origami airplane.

2 thoughts on “I got bumped in Boston”

  1. Ahhh, traveling with you all would be such a treat! Speaking of treats, I LOVE the Biscoff cookies (made in Belgium). When i was flying high in my previous life I used to smile sweetly at the steward(ess)s and more often that not, I’d leave the plane with a whole package of those cookies.. I was never handcuffed though….

  2. The Biscoff are delicious – it was an honor to receive them on the sly – I can only imagine how pleased you must have been to receive a whole package! No handcuffs? That is such a downer!

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