If you take it, you will go.

Last night gambling, tonight, theater. Little Man treated Prize Winner and I to “Crazy for You” at an incredible outdoor theater.  As we were making our way to our seats he shared some outdoor theater wisdom with me, “All of the old people sit up here – in these upper rows – that’s their thing. It’s the misters, they do it for the misters.” I took a quick look around and he was right – all old, all being misted. Once we got our seats I took another look around and realized the audience was primarily grey toppers. “Little Man,” I said, “Look at all of this grey, I can’t believe it. I guess you’re used to seeing this many seniors living out here.” He confirmed they were the majority in the town. I was still a bit shocked. I haven’t seen that much grey since the night I watched Calendar Girls and Cocoon back-to-back.

As we were leaving the theater we saw a row of tour buses waiting for the grey toppers. I thought it might be fun to pretend we were with the bus group – Prize Winner agreed. We then thought better of it and made our way for the next closest thing: my silver car with grey intererior.  Driving home we were talking about various life experiences when Prize Winner said, “I told you I win prizes, right?” Uh, no, she did not. She went on to tell Little Man and I about the various contests (writing jingles, making commercials, etc.) that she has won. Her winnings have included all-expense paid vacations, money, makeovers, the works. One of her favorite contests was for a product popular among those who suffer from irregularity, like the grey toppers (way to segway Prize Winner). She and her kids made several videos for a laxative with the prize winning line being, “If you take it, you will go.”

Catchy. More importantly, I’ve now determined the tell-tale signs of aging: grey hair (given), misters, bus tours and laxatives.  Currently, I’m 0-4, but I did once ride a double-decker bus on holiday and misters are on sale right now……

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