Private Dancer

With tonight being the season two premiere of Glee, Dr. BJ and MiniMe could hardly contain themselves. In addition to it being Glee night, it was  -aoke night, which meant I needed to come up with a theme for the evening. In honor of the ever popular, high school based, musical comedy (Glee), I decided we would do Prom-aoke and start the night off at my house – watching Glee and eating pizza.

As is often the case, Sleepless and I are usually the people in the group to respect the theme concept. I had stopped by a second-hand store and purchased us some fine prom gowns for the event. Sleepless was thrilled to don her gown and so was I – primarily because mine was a store sample and had “SAMPLE” stamped across the ass. “Is that verb form?” asked Sleepless, referring to ‘sample’. “It may be,” I told her, “it just depends how the night goes.”

We arrived at our bar to find we must have had a credit from the last time we went and paid for the private party because we were, again, the only patrons in the bar.  D-Dog arrived shortly after and, as promised, we had a bag full of prom dresses for her. She was in heaven and alternated between two black gowns throughout the evening.

The Leaver and QuQueen had been there about 30 minutes when The Leaver noticed the karaoke stage was empty. “Why aren’t we singing? I have to get a cavity filled in the morning.” OregganO looked my way and quipped, “Says the girl with the cream cheese cake in her mouth.” “The Leaver is right,” said Sleepless, “Someone should be singing.” Right Glove looked at me and asked, “Aren’t you going to sing?” “Yes, yes, of course I am. I am always one song away from the mic.”

The bartender, Norm, took the stage and, in typical Sleepless fashion, Sleepless provided him a private dance on a chair positioned in his direct line of sight, in the middle of the dance floor. QuQueen had given Sleepless, D-Dog and I updos, which 1) made us look fantastic and 2) cooled us down. QuQueen had placed a beautiful flower in Sleepless’ hair for an accent and, somewhere between “Once Bitten Twice Shy” and “Paradise City,” the flower went missing.

We looked around for a minute and then continued on with the dancing and singing. OregganO and I got up to sing “Knock Three Times” and Sleepless used this fine song to teach D-Dog how to chair dance. At one point they were facing us and Sleepless showed her one of her finer moves – at which time OregganO and I got to see “the money shot.” “I can tell you why you can’t find your flower Sleepless,” OregganO said into the mic during an instrumental break, “with moves like that, you’ve most likely been deflowered!” About 30 minutes later, Sleepless found her flower exactly where she left it – in her hair.

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