Awkward, eh.

YummYummy and I always have very special conversations. Yesterday, while discussing our many life experiences, I mentioned I wanted to learn a little bit of French. At the end of our discussion we had come to two conclusions: 1) no need to learn French if you know how to ‘moan’ in French, and 2) having a ‘reputation’ in France is not a bad thing (the latter is something Sleepless and I have also discussed).

This conversation segwayed into a conversation about awkward moments. I made the decision to be more upfront with people about this common consequence and set a goal to try it out at the club.

Can’t Be Bothered was the first of us to ‘eye’ a boy of interest. She was afraid to try chatting it up with him, so, as any good friend would do, I opted to do so for her. I approached him and posed the question, “How do you feel about awkward moments?” “I don’t like them.” “Hmmm, so does that mean you wouldn’t be into hooking up with my friend;” sly head gesture toward Can’t Be Bothered, “and then having awkward moments with her every time you see her after that?” “No, thank you,” he kindly declined, “I have a girlfriend.” “A girlfriend?” I rhetorically replied. “Good response then. That would make for a super awkward moment and we’re not into that.” I returned to YummYummy and Can’t Be Bothered and they asked how it went, “It was awkward.” Score: one for one.

Once YummYummy and I returned to her house we decided naps were in order. I assumed she had gone up to bed so I put a few things away and headed to the main floor making room room. I opened the door to find YummYummy on the loo, “I’m having a poo.” “Oops, sorry.” Awkward. Score: two for two.

Later on YummYummy and I decided to go out for dinner. As we were enjoying our meal we made plans for the rest of the evening. “I’m just looking forward to going home and having an awkward moment with you so we can have even more awkward moments later.” “Me too,” I told YummYummy. Score: three for three. Awkward, eh.

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