Why would I do that?

While in Los Angeles, we went to brunch in celebration of No Onions’ birthday. The restaurant had a “Make your own Bloody Mary” bar. This concept is interesting to me. If I am going out to eat, why would I want to make my own drink?  If I do make my own drink, should I still tip? What if I don’t like it – to whom do I complain? I have so many questions about this concept.

I was chatting about this with two of the party guests and they fully agreed. I wouldn’t go to a salon in hopes of finding a “Wash your own hair” bar or to a dental hygienist to benefit from the “Clean your own teeth” bar. Although, cleaning your own teeth, on a regular basis, is very important.

As the party guests and I continued chatting, the topic changed to sports. More specifically, our lack of interest in football. Big Man On Campus had mentioned he didn’t know anything about football and then started rattling off the different positions. “For someone who doesn’t like football,” I asked, “How do you know this?” “Oh, I once dated a wide receiver.” His friend piped in, “Uh huh, and if he wasn’t a wide receiver when they met, he was by the end of the relationship.” If it wasn’t clear before, it is very clear now why so many people are interested in wanting to do ‘that’.

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