Touch Me, No, Wait, I Will.

Dr. BJ and I had the pleasure of joining Skiwi, Disco Dancing Dog Groomer and some of their Out-of-Town Guests  for dinner last night. Unfortunately, I was late getting home from work, which resulted in Dr. BJ and I arriving post salad but just in time for the main course. I phoned Skiwi to inform him I was late and Dr. BJ would be joining me. “No problem, we’ll just cut the lasagna into six pieces. No, wait, too late for that. We’ve already cut them into five pieces, so we’ll all just eat half of ours and put the uneaten halves on a plate for Dr. BJ.” So congenial.

We had a lovely time, enjoying our half pieces, drinking wine and sharing stories about all of our adventures. Out-of-Town Guests are on holiday and have been doing a lot of hiking and camping. They started talking about mountaineering and the toll it takes on one’s hands. Out-of-Town Guest #1 said she cared too much about her hands to do mountaineering and then pointed out Out-of-Town Guest #2’s hands, which were “very large and look arthritic, but they’re not.” I told Out-of-Town Guest #2 he should consider being a hand model. “I could be the ‘after’ model,”he said. “Maybe the ‘before’,” I replied. “Right, before. My hands and feet have been more places than you’d like to know.”

Skiwi then started discussing speakers – he is a major speaker trafficker – and relayed a story about one of the times I assisted him in the retrieval of a set. “Pretty sure that was blogworthy,” said Skiwi. “Speaking of blogworthy,” commented Dr. BJ, “I haven’t read the blog from the other night at the bar when that whole thing went down with Touch Me, No, Wait, I Will.” I told Dr. BJ I didn’t include that in the blog because so much had happened that night and, I wasn’t entirely sure on the spelling of ‘booger’.

Upon arriving at the bar the other night I ran into someone who I haven’t seen for ten or more years. Touch Me, No, Wait, I Will immediately recognized me and I immediately realized he was totally high. He started rubbing on me, trying to lift me up, and saying, “Oh, wow, you really do feel like a girl – I like that.” This type of activity took place each time he ran into me throughout the night. After the last time he rubbed himself and then me, I noticed something on the back of my arm. I asked Dr. BJ if he knew what it was and he said no. I looked at it again and said, “It is a booger! I’ve got a bloody booger on my arm from Touch Me, No, Wait, I Will!” Dr. BJ shouted, “Oh, gross! Don’t touch it! We’ve got to get that off of you and quick.” Together, Dr. BJ and I remedied what could have been a very tragic moment. Tragic for a variety of reasons, primarily because we were in the middle of a caricature drawing and I didn’t want the artist to include that in the sketch.

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