A lot of people have catch phrases. A few little known and well known examples are below:
Are these dishes clean or dirty?
Don’t look at me.
Get off my set.
I’ll be back.
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
You’ve got mail.
Sorry, I don’t understand.
FatGirl recently decided to try out a new catch phrase of his own, “Cause Yalls a bunch of bitches…later nerds.” Unfortunately, he used it during a conversation with On My Terms and I so, accordingly, we said goodbye. He quickly replied, “Noooooooo don’t kick me out I just thought it was a perfect place to use my refurbished catch phrase.”
Wanting to get in on the whole catch phrase phenomenon I decided to take it up a notch and come up with a catch paragraph, “My laxatives are kicking in. Shit’s about to get real.” Pretty sure that shit’s going to go viral.