Spit cups and travel plans

With Sleepless’ birthday approaching a group of us got together and met at a local restaurant for a wine tasting/pairing.  BioMom was the first to arrive and, as we walked in, drew our attention to the stemware. “Look how beautiful these glasses are,” she said then added, “I only brought a small purse.” This is code for, “Sadly, they won’t fit in my bag.”


The server started pouring the wine and set an empty pitcher in the center of the table. Rated R immediately advised her we wouldn’t be needing it. “What was that all about?” I asked. “It was a spit cup. We don’t need a spit cup. I know us, we will not be spitting out any of this wine,” Rated R advised. She was right, we’re not spitters.


As we tasted the wines and tapas we chatted about vacation ideas. “I need to get laid. Let’s go to Boise,” Ashterisk told us. “Is Boise known as the place to get laid?” I asked.”I don’t know. It’s the truth,” she replied. Looks like Boise may have a new tourism slogan.

With only one more round of wine to go Rated R made another executive decision, “I need some actual food – after this we’re heading next door for garlic fries.” And with that, we paid our tab and strolled next door for more wine and a ton of fries. Next stop: Boise.

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