Shakespeare moment

Bruiser has decided to pack up her things and move to Southern California. Actually, only half of that is true. No, none of that is true.


Bruiser’s husband got a job in Southern California so she is, reluctantly, moving there. She is not, however, packing up her things. Instead, the movers will be doing that for her. “Will they be packing my toothbrush or should I plan on bringing one when I visit?” I asked. “It’s in our things to be moved,” she proudly replied. The movers, unfortunately, will not take pets, plants, oils, firearms or explosives so Bruiser plans to take all of those items in her car. “Would you like a travel companion?” Live Longer asked – for someone who intends to live longer, she definitely lives on the edge at times.


After spending several hours together, it was clear that Live Longer no longer intended on traveling by car and assisting with the pets. “Let’s get online and book a trip,” she shouted out several times. She also shouted out instructions related to Bruiser’s dog, who was on timeout for knocking over my beverage, “Let the dog out! Let the dog out!” “Are you ready to miss all of this?” we asked. It was clear, she was not.

One person, however, who was literally missing all of this was Scared. She arrived at Bruiser’s at the beginning of the evening and then had to leave to assist a patient in a neighboring town. By the time she found the patient’s home, addressed the emergency, and started to maker her way back, On My Terms and Live Longer, along with pretty much everyone else, were ready to go home. This news saddened Scared and she begged us all to stay until she returned. Although we did, we had one foot out the door as she placed both feet inside.

As Scared stood next to Bruiser two things were very clear: Bruiser was sad to leave and our leaving made Scared sad – it was quite tragic.  “Don’t be sad, we’ll see you all at EAR in June,” On My Terms advised. “I’ll be in California,” said Bruiser. “I’ll be out of town,” Scared replied. “Oh. Alright, see ya,” was On My Terms’ response as she walked out the door. Shakespeare couldn’t have scripted it better.



One thought on “Shakespeare moment”

  1. Lol! I feel like I missed most of this. Except for the locking me out and immediately leaving once I found an open door. This just in–I will see you in June. And I won’t be on call.

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