Retirement Plan

If I could retire tomorrow, I would. Unfortunately, I cannot, so I don’t. Live Longer feels the same way about this and, as we discussed the costs of retiring one day, she came up with a plan.


“We should just commit a really horrible crime and get locked up for life. Then we don’t have to worry about money, insurance, taking care of a house – anything, really,” Live Longer suggested. “If we do that we need to commit different crimes – completely unrelated – so they’ll put us in the same prison. Unless, of course, you’d like new friends,” I added.


On My Terms is currently trying to figure out a way to never work again or live on less than $1000/month (although she’d prefer not to work), so Live Longer offered a helping hand, “You should get in on our retirement plan.” After hearing the plan On My Terms asked, “Have you girls seen Orange is the New Black?” “Yes, we’ve done our research,” Live Longer replied. “I’ve also seen Chicago and Oz,” I informed On My Terms.


Although these productions clearly don’t mirror doing actual time, as an optimist I hope that, at a minimum (or maximum – sentence, that is) there will be singing or karaoke. If not, well, that’s a real crime.

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