Modern Day Five Tray

Once Sleepless and I finished working in Grigio Gardens for the day and, ultimately, once our supervisor, On My Terms, gave us permission to be finished, we decided to enjoy a refreshing beverage on the stoop. It was around this time that On My Terms informed us we would be needing ice.


“Your ice maker is broken,” she informed me. I don’t have an ice maker, rather, I have two trays and an ice cube bin. I knew this meant we’d burned through the bin and the trays. “I can’t believe you only have two trays in these modern days,” she continued. “I usually don’t need a lot of ice,” I replied. That said, I do try to make a lot of ice when I know I’m going to have guests. I have, however, experienced a broken ice maker of sorts. Last year, around this time, I broke my shoulder, thus, struggled with twisting the trays to release the cubes. As a result, I resorted to bags of ice, and lots of them, for both my shoulder and my beverages.


On My Terms wasn’t done discussing my out-of-date ways, “Seriously. Two Trays? I’ve got five trays. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for frozen food, but it keeps the ice flowing. You really need to remedy this situation before the next EAR.”


The conversation about my inadequate and antiquated two-tray ice maker continued as we walked to the corner market to purchase a bag of ice. Thus, I made a note to self as walked: Get with the modern ways, but three more trays.



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