Harder not Smarter

Sleepless kindly offered to assist me with the weeding of my back 40. Being that it is 97% weeds, this was an incredibly kind offer.


Not having been in the garden since last year, it took me a while to find some shorts…that fit, barely. I somehow managed to make my way into a pair of cutoff Levi’s, threw  on my Wellies and made my way to the yard. The short distance between my house and my back 40 gave my shorts a little time to stretch out, which I appreciated.


Sleepless soon joined me and, within no time, we were pulling weeds like our lives depended on it. Approximately two hours into our work On My Terms arrived in a cute polka-dot picnic dress with red Keds and had beverages and snacks for us to enjoy. Right soon after she arrived, Live Longer joined us. Live Longer was also in a cute dress and, to top it off, was donning a fedora. “You look naked from the waist down,” Live Longer told me. “Thank you,” I replied.


The two of them sat on the picnic table, enjoying their beverages, cheese, fruit and crackers, while Sleepless and I remained dedicated to the task at hand. “Work harder not smarter girls,” On My Terms shouted out to us from her cushy position on the picnic table, then added, “We’re the supervisors.” “You missed a weed or two over there,” Live Longer told us, pointing to the three quarter portion of the garden that we had not yet touched. Again, Sleepless and I remained dedicated.


“I have got to get a picture of you in those short shorts,” On My Terms told me. To which I replied, “These are capris, I just have really long legs.” “It’s going on the world wide web!” was her reply. Eventually, On My Terms insisted we take a break, “Federal law requires it,” and play Cards Against Humanity. Pretty sure federal law does not require that. “Just one round,” she told us. After several rounds Live Longer announced she had to go supervise dinner with a friend and Sleepless informed On My Terms that we needed to get back to work. “You’re going to get a bonus,” she told her and added, “Oh, looks like I need to refresh my beverage. I’ll be back. Remember, harder not smarter.”


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