
A few days ago I started to get the feeling that I might be receiving a visitor. Not Aunt Flo (not possible) or Boo T. Call (also not happening right now); rather, Carl. It’s been a while since Carl has made an appearance on my face, but once he started knocking on my pores I knew my face as I once knew it would soon be changing. By Friday, this was confirmed. Carl was of epic proportions and I had a feeling he was going to be with me for a while. “Hopefully he’ll stay at least six months so I can claim him as a dependent,” I told Sleepless. She didn’t respond at the time, but later, when we were taking a walk at dusk and the sun was hitting Carl just so, she said, “Your zit is awesome.” “Thank you,” I replied.


Luckily, I wasn’t the only one with a new dependent in the mix. Ice Cream Man had taken Little Sleep to an animal adoption event earlier in the day and, no surprise to most, came home with a six-week old Boxer Mastiff. Like Carl, this little girl was going to get much bigger over time. “She is spayed and licensed,” Ice Cream Man proudly told us. “I’d like to neuter Carl,” I replied.


As we walked around town both Carl and the puppy were noticed by others. The puppy was receiving all kinds of positive attention – petting, photos, compliments; Carl, not so much. I’m not surprised. I’d much rather pet a puppy than a zit.

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