Pretty prudie

In my attempt to more efficiently and accurately blog I decided to resort to taking notes again. This is something I used to do quite regularly. As we were out and about I would grab my little notebook and pen and take notes of our conversations or, depending on what was overheard, other people’s conversations.


This practice worked great for a very long time. The only drawback was people would often be more cautious about what they said when the notebook was out.  Their caution did not dissuade me. Unfortunately, one day I fell out of the habit of taking the notes.


Yesterday, after an afternoon of wining and dining with Rated R and Live Longer, I decided it might be time to start taking notes again. By the time I made this decision, Rated R had gone home, but Live Longer was still with me and Oper and her friend had joined us. We were approximately two bottles of wine and two mimosas in when they arrived. By the time they left we had five empty bottles ready for the recycle bin and, fortunately, I took notes:

Pretty Prudie

How easy is it to pee in Europe?

Usually I’ll hook it with my toe.

Summer breeze makes me feel fine, sounds like a douche commercial in my mind.


Sadly, I have no idea what any of this means. I do know, however, that Live Longer wishes she had taken notes. In between checking out the fine lines of my porcelain throne and sleeping on the floor just outside of the loo she made an observation, “I went from feeling fine to being shitfaced. How did that happen?” Based on my notes, it had something to do with a toe.

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