Fact or Friction?

Cutting my hand open and, subsequently, being able to look into my innards via the slashed gash that I created reminded me of last night’s conversation about labiaplasty.


“People get face lifts, boob jobs, tummy tucks and vagine work – many times all in the same visit,” Big Bounty informed us and added, “the size of the penis does make a difference.”


Years ago Har’s (ex) boyfriend had told me that girls in porn, who had experienced a lot of intercourse, had darker labia. I never tested the theory out, nor did I dispute it – I knew he watched a lot of porn, so I figured the information came from a reliable source.


“Really?” I asked Big Bounty. “Yes, but if anyone asks, you didn’t hear it from me,” she replied. Loose lips sink ships.


I’ve not been able to verify either theory, thus, don’t believe either to be entirely true. Regardless, I highly recommend kegeling regularly – during staff meetings, commuting, giving blood, road trips, etc. In addition, I’ve come to the conclusion that size does in fact matter; especially if one’s insurance does not cover labiaplasty.

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