
That’s Not Chinese invited me, Tree and our significant others to her house for dinner. He brought Awkward and I packed a mirror in my purse. Once there and enjoying cocktails (at That’s Not Chinese’s house ‘cocktails’ means wine), Tree mentioned the blog.


“I am so excited to be in it,” That’s Not Chinese exclaimed and asked, “You’ll be putting my comment in there about the sweats, right?” “That is not blogworthy,” Tree advised. “It is too!” That’s Not Chinese adamantly defended her suggestion, which read, “Oh hell ya…Unfazed and I were talking about how fun this evening will be and how it will no doubt be blog worthy…..Oh and you and Tree know how I roll so I expect to see you both in sweats!”


“That was not blog worthy,” Tree informed her and asked, “Who even wears sweats these days? Where does one even buy them?” “Look, I’ve got some and it is blog worthy,” That’s Not Chinese replied. The sweats to which That’s Not Chinese was referring are her ‘swapris’ – sweats with the bottoms cut off (she can’t stand them tight around her ankle) so they look like capris. She proudly coined the name ‘swapris’ assuming they would be the next big thing to hit Fashion Week. Fashion Weak, maybe. “Why aren’t you wearing them?” I asked. “She told me I couldn’t,” That’s Not Chinese said gesturing to Unfazed. “It’s true. I sometimes have to tell her what she can and can’t wear,” Unfazed, clearly fazed by some of That’s Not Chinese recent fashion choices, informed us.


“She told me I have to wear make-up to brunch. Well, what really happened is we were heading to brunch and she said, ‘Aren’t you going to wear make-up?’ I checked with her sister to see if she was wearing make-up, and she was, so I did,” That’s Not Chinese told us. “I think you should wear make-up to brunch,” Tree interjected. “If I’m wearing make-up in the morning it is only because I didn’t wash my face the night before,” I told them.


And with that, we were on to the next subject: CPR – a topic that was definitely blog worthy.


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