Don’t call me…..

On My Terms has a modern-day living situation. She resides in a one-bathroom, three-bedroom duplex with two older men. One of the men is in his nineties and is her maternal grandfather. The other man is 28 years younger than the first and is her father. Out of respect, and because it is true, she refers to them as ‘the seniors.’


The other day she walked by her grandpa and said hello. “Don’t call me grandpa, it makes me feel old,” he told her. “Well you are old and you are my grandpa,” she informed him. “I’d rather have you for my girlfriend. You are so beautiful. Why don’t you have a boyfriend? I can’t believe boys aren’t beating the door down to date you. Maybe you could be my girlfriend,” he replied. “No,” she firmly stated.


I have a feeling On My Terms may be beating my door down soon for a little break from ‘the seniors.’




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