Signature. Look.

While researching Iris Apfel I stumbled upon photos of another international fashion icon, Anna Piaggi.


Unless you are like Live Longer and, as Ginger Zee of ABC’s Good Morning America put it, “living under a rock,” you should be at least somewhat familiar with the ‘Drake hands’ video and, in my opinion, Piaggi.


Piaggi, like Iris Apfel, had a signature piece that she was always seen wearing – a hat. Not just any hat, rather, custom-made hats. The hats were regularly complimented with vintage clothes and her signature make-up. For me, the bright pink rouge circle on each cheek  is was made Piaggi most memorable.


If you have seen Piaggi, you know her and will never forget her: her name, maybe, but her face, never. She, like Apfel, Audrey Hepburn and her cigarette holder, and the elderly woman in the training video I watched many years ago, is memorable.


Seeing these women makes me wonder, “What makes me memorable to others?”  Currently, it is the fact that I am a crack-up, literally – one broken bone after the other. Not wanting to be known for my broken bones or pre-board/front of the line slings and boots, I am on a mission to make a memorable, and hopefully positive, fashion statement. What will it be? Only time and a keen, custom sense of fashion will tell.






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