
Years ago I watched a training video about elder adults in a county housing unit. One of the women, after learning of several of her neighbors dying and many people not remembering them, decided the best way to be remembered was to wear a large flower in her hair. Occasionally, typically when walking the hood with That’s Not Chinese, I do the same.


Today, in need of more wine, I invited That’s Not Chinese to go with me to the wine store. When she arrived at my house, I suggested we walk. “I had a feeling you might suggest something like this,” she said while I strapped on my orthopedic boot and then grabbed my collapsible shopping cart with seat – a nifty gadget I acquired when donning my sling. “Wow,” was her only comment.


We walked a ways and came upon a rose bush that we had passed many months before and, just like before, we decided to pick a flower and put it our hair. We soon arrived at the liquor store, filled up the cart, and began to make our way home. That’s Not Chinese made a pit stop at the city library to use the loo and while she did I decided to give the seat on my shopping cart a try – it worked beautifully. It also generated a lot of stares. When That’s Not Chinese exited the library and people saw we both had flowers in our hair – more stares.  “We’re such city girls!” That’s Not Chinese excitedly exclaimed. Yes, we are and, like the elderly woman with the flower in her hair at the county housing unit, we’ll most likely not be forgotten by those who saw us today.



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