How many gays?

While at an event that FatGirl was hosting I began experiencing problems with my brassiere. The problem isn’t new to me entirely, it is something that has been happening since I broke my shoulder. Due to the lack of muscle/definition in my shoulder, my strap regularly falls down. As a result, I am regularly tightening the strap. This task is not so easily accomplished when I am dressed.


Since I was dressed at this event – which was quite opposite of some of the men at the event – I was having difficulty tightening my strap, thus, asked FatGirl for help. “I have no idea how to do this. I don’t know a thing about girls’ bras!” was his reply as he struggled with adjusting my strap. Tree and Awkward approached and tried to help, to no avail.  A few seconds later, one of their other friends joined us and, thankfully, was able to tighten the strap. “How many gays does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” I asked. “I’ve never screwed inside a lightbulb,” FatGirl replied. “Clearly it takes four to tighten a bra strap,” Tree replied and then asked, “So why weren’t Awkward and I in the blog the night we crashed your cooking party at Live Longer’s? I’m not like That’s Not Chinese, I don’t just read it when I’m in it, but that was good stuff. Why wasn’t it in there?” “I can go back and add it,” I suggested. “No, it’s too late now,” he said.


Clearly, it isn’t too late. Bra strap tightened – check. Tree in the blog – check.


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