Dinner with the Knowltons

The other night Beaner was relying on family to watch her wee one. When they called to confirm they were told, “Oh, no, we can’t. It’s not that we don’t want to spend time with her. Its just that we’re having dinner with the Knowltons.”


Beaner managed to find another babysitter and then went to her engagement. While there, it was overheard that the infamous Knowltons were in attendance. To confirm, Beaner asked, “Did you say you’re the Knowltons.” Although the people she asked weren’t the Knowltons, the individuals with them were, in fact, the Knowltons.


Turns out, Beaner’s family lied to her. As a result, from this point forward, we have decided that anytime someone asks us to do something we don’t want to do our response will be, “So sorry, I can’t. I’m having dinner with the Knowltons.”

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