
While Live Longer sat comfortably in first class, I maneuvered my orthopedic boot as best as possible in coach and tried to enjoy the five hour flight.


Luckily, I had packed a library book for reading. Yes, an actual library book. Most people in coach cannot afford electronic reading devices, let alone buy their own books.


While I read, I took advantage of the complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and peanuts. Sadly, this didn’t curb my hunger pains. Reading, however, temporarily kept my mind off my near starvation situation. I finished my book just prior to landing and was relieved to learn I would soon be at home and able to eat something of sustenance.


I walked off the plane to find Live Longer waiting patiently for me at the gate. “How was first class?” I asked. “It was good. I ate dinner and fell right to sleep,” she replied. “You got dinner?” I asked. “Yes and they served my wine in a glass,” she nonchalantly replied. I had to strain to hear her response over my stomach growling.


Oh how I long to be in first class where I can imbibe (from an actual glass) to my heart’s delight, eat an actual meal,  and sleep comfortably. In the meantime, I’ll just continue to be an uncomfortable, hungry asshole in coach. The day, however, will soon come when I, too, will be a classhole.

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