
There are many times I will share information as factual without having the “scientific data” (shout out to Rusty Rogue Rafael) to back it up.


For example, I believe sex is not the first thing to go in a relationship. Rather, I think it is kissing. I’ve shared my hypothesis with others and most agree. If you’ve been in a relationship for a while you know what I’m talking about. Sex often becomes somewhat ‘routine’ as time goes on. You wake up, he has a hard on, intercourse occurs. Is there foreplay? Kissing? Not often. Just intercourse. In fact, sometimes it is very one-sided sex. As Tree told me today, “It’s only S & M if both parties enjoy it. Otherwise, it’s just called being an asshole.”

Alas, you can imagine my surprise when I was reading NPR today and learned Rafael Wlodarski, a graduate student at the University of Oxford, had recently published a study specific to kissing. Basically, he found relationships were better if there was more kissing. More sex, on the other hand, did not warrant a better relationship.


Apparently, even though plenty of odors arise as a result of sex, face-to-face contact allows us a more intimate sense of one’s odor. This act is likened to dogs sniffing each other out; kissing helps us to have a better idea about compatibility and, most of the time, just feels good.


So, if you want a long-term relationship, keep your lip gloss and Binaca close by, tilt your head, purse your lips and get ready to experience a sensory overload. xoxox

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